Community Advisory Council Nominations
The role of the Council is to provide the Foundation Board of Directors with advice and recommendations regarding overall policy and strategic direction and adherence to the mission and to serve as a liaison with communities in Kentucky. Read more about the Council functions, size and composition, appointments and terms in the Council Charter.
Members of the Council are residents of the Commonwealth who are committed to addressing the unmet health needs of the people of Kentucky and who have expressed an interest and willingness to engage individually and as a group in activities to advance the Foundation’s charitable mission. Read more about the expectations for individual Council members.
Foundation Bylaws call for the Council “to maintain a diverse membership… with broad community and consumer representation and ensuring careful consideration to ethnic, gender, geographic and racial balance.” The Commonwealth comprises thousands of communities, each unique in its culture, social norms, social capital, opportunities and challenges. The Foundation is intentional in its efforts to continually expand the inclusiveness and diversity of its Council as we engage with communities across the state.
Nominations are accepted on an ongoing basis and considered by the Foundation’s Nominations and Governance Committee at each quarterly meeting. The Committee reviews nominations in the context of the overall Council membership profile, with a priority on appointing new Council members who bring diversity. Underrepresented areas on the Council currently include:
The following Area Development Districts: Buffalo Trace, FIVECO, Gateway and Cumberland Valley;
Individuals who bring racial/ethnic diversity to the Council;
Youth, young adults, persons under the age of 40 years;
Individuals outside the health/health care system who have experience in the following industries: Education, Agriculture, Economic Development and who have a passion for health; and,
Individuals with lived experienced from un/underserved communities – un/underinsured persons (i.e. covered by Ky Medicaid) and those from rural areas (Appalachia and Delta Regions).
All nominations are encouraged and welcome. Priority consideration will be given to persons meeting the above criteria. Nominations not accepted will be kept on file for future consideration as the Council continues to expand and evolve its membership profile.
To Submit a Nomination
Please complete the following nomination form. You may submit a nomination for yourself or someone else. This information will not be shared publicly. A confirmation of the receipt of your nomination will be sent via email.
Questions? Contact Alexandra Kerley.