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Health for a Change: Facts Over Fiction- Changing the Narrative Around SNAP Benefits

In Kentucky, one in five children live in food insecure households. Initiatives like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) can help keep these kids fed and healthy. But the program often receives unfair criticism, with some people saying it encourages its users to be dependent on welfare instead of working to support themselves. This negative image of dependency and shame couldn’t be further from the truth. SNAP helps stimulate local economies while putting food on the table for low-income families. The program has not only reduced food insecurity but also provided a gateway for additional resources and education that can help break the cycle of poverty. Join us for this free webinar to learn how you help protect SNAP benefits.

Here's what you’ll learn:

  1. What are the health and economic benefits of SNAP in Kentucky.

  2. Best ways to message and advocate for SNAP and counteract the “dependency” argument.

  3. What are policies and programs to help increase the number of eligible Kentuckians taking advantage of SNAP.


  • Jessica Klein, Policy Associate, Kentucky Center for Economic Policy

  • Melissa McDonald, Executive Director, Feeding Kentucky

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