Health for a Change is a free training series that blends in-person workshops with webinars. Whether you are new to health care or a seasoned nonprofit professional, you are encouraged to take part in our Health for a Change training series. Participants connect with a wide-range of leaders in the field and learn about best practices and proven models through this series.
We welcome your ideas for training topics, speakers, and Kentucky venues for Health for a Change webinars and workshops.
Please email your ideas to Ally Wells, Communications Director.

Health for a Change: Unmasking the Impact of Toxic Stress and Discrimination on Health Outcomes
The phrase, “It runs in the family,” is not uncommon to hear when discussing health issues. While true in some cases, for others there are different factors at play. Getting to the root cause of health problems and how to best treat them requires looking at more than family history and lifestyle behaviors.

Health for a Change: APCD- The Big Picture
This free, 90-minute webinar will explore what an All-Payer Claims Database (APCD)could mean for Kentucky from multiple perspectives. Presenters will make the case for how an APCD can help Kentucky be a good steward of health care dollars.

Health for a Change: LGBTQ Literacy in Health Advocacy
Transgender people face a different set of issues when seeking health care. Join us for this free one-hour webinar as we pass the microphone to transgender and nonbinary Kentuckians to learn how organizations and individuals can support and better advocate for trans people. The webinar will also explore the efforts to ban conversion therapy in Kentucky and the significant impact such therapy has on the mental health of queer and trans youth.

Health for a Change: Maternal Health Matters
Maternal mortality is a key indicator of a state’s health and has a long-term impact on other related health factors such as infant mortality. Finding ways to improve maternal health outcomes and reduce the disparities among them, is crucial to the progressing the health of Kentucky.
Compared to mothers in other wealthy countries, U.S. mothers have the highest rates of death from pregnancy-related complications. Furthermore, Black mothers are three to four times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related complication than white mothers. In Kentucky- Data from 2018 shows the mortality rate for Black patients is at 42.1 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, versus 17.2 maternal deaths for white patients.

Health for a Change: CRUSHing Farmer Suicide through Cultural Respect and Humility
Farming is a stressful and challenging occupation. As an occupational group, farmers have one of the highest rates of suicide, and unfortunately mental health providers are limited in rural areas where farmers reside.
WKU created a training program to educate healthcare professionals from multiple disciplines to address these issues. This presentation describes the process and outcome of developing, implementing, and evaluating a 1-credit hour continuing education course, CRUSHing Farmer Suicide—Cultural Respect, Understanding, Sensitivity, and Humility.

Health for a Change: Early Knowledge, Lifelong Impact
This Health for a Change webinar, "Early Knowledge, Lifelong Impact: How Comprehensive Health Education Improves Long-Term Health Outcomes," explores the connection between comprehensive health education for our youth and improved health outcomes from childhood through adulthood.

Health for a Change: KY's Public Health Transformation: From Planning to Implementation
Kentucky is making radical changes toward improving the health of its people through public health transformation (PHT). During this Health for a Change webinar, Jan Chamness, Kentucky Department for Public Health, Division of Women's Health Director, provides an overview of this comprehensive effort to streamline and modernize the Commonwealth’s public health system.

Health for a Change: Transforming Kentucky's Public Health System: The Critical Role of Community Collaborations
Join us on this free 1-hour Health for a Change webinar as we envision a transformed and strengthened public health system in Kentucky. Our speakers will discuss public health transformation efforts and partnering with community organizations for Community Health Needs Assessments, mobilization, and engagement for improving health in communities.

Health for a Change: All Things 2020 US Census: Review, New Products, and Kentucky Connections
The U.S. Census Bureau is busy analyzing the data collected during the 2020 decennial census; meanwhile, the Bureau is continually and confidentially collecting vital data about Kentucky communities. On May 19, the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky will host a webinar to provide an overview of the Kentucky 2020 Census, including the outreach efforts to ensure an accurate count in the Commonwealth as well as the data products that are available from the Bureau about Kentucky. The webinar will feature Erin Peabody, a partnership specialist with the Philadelphia Regional Census Center of the U.S. Census Bureau, and Matthew H. Ruther, PhD, director of the Kentucky State Data Center.

Health for a Change: COVID-19 and Health Information Privacy
The COVID-19 pandemic and vaccination campaigns have given rise to questions about the legal issues around sharing health information. The Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky will host a webinar on May 4 to review the basic elements of the federal health privacy law (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, or HIPAA) for both consumers and health care providers, as well as strategies for data sharing that are allowable under HIPAA.