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School Resiliency Upheld in SB 2
There are some elements in SB 2 the Foundation does not agree with, particularly the part that establishes the “Guardians” program. But overall, there are positive elements we’d like to highlight.

Supporting Resiliency to Shape a Healthier Future
Since 2013, the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky has been developing and funding projects in schools across the commonwealth focused on preventing and mitigating ACEs.

Understanding All-Payer Claims Databases: Unlocking Insights into Health Care
Kentucky is not known for being one of the country’s healthier states. When you look at the rate of adults with multiple chronic conditions- we have some of the worst statistics in the country. It’s a similar story for the rate of premature deaths. In order to tackle health issues in our state, we need thorough data.

Cancer in Kentucky- screenings matter
Kentucky has the worst cancer mortality rate in the country. There are a number of factors contributing to this and a lot of work is needed to improve the situation. One way to reduce Kentucky's cancer burden and save lives is to increase the proportion of adults who receive appropriate cancer screenings.