Ground-Game Challenge: Video Contest

The Foundation for a Health Kentucky is challenging Kentucky health care providers, pharmacists, local health department leaders and health influencers such as extension offices, faith leaders, etc., to help get the facts about COVID-19 vaccines out to their patients, neighbors, family and friends by making a video and posting on your social media, website, and community e-newsletters (i.e., Chamber, Main Street Association, Mayor’s Office, etc.).

As a thank you, we’ll give away five, $100 prizes on September 7, 2021. Be sure to enter by 12:01 a.m. on September 7, 2021.  


1. Create a video or videos where you're talking to the camera, to your patients, neighbors, family and friends. We've compiled facts about the COVID-19 Vaccines you can use, but encourage you to talk about what you're hearing as the the most concerning issues for your community members. 

2. Post it on your website, social media, share with your community to include in e-newsletters (i.e., Chamber, Main Street Association, Mayor’s Office, etc.)

3. When posting to social, please use #takeitfromme and tag us: 
Twitter and Instagram: @healthyky
Facebook and LinkedIn: @FoundationforaHealthyKentucky

4. Then, enter to win $100! 


U.S. HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra keynote speaker at Bost Health Policy Forum


COVID-19 Vaccine Truths