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Op-Ed: Senior Health Rankings place Kentucky 48th, bringing to light need for improved access to health care
Having access to quality health care is crucial for a person’s well-being. But it’s a complex issue that goes much deeper than having health insurance, and that’s reflected in the results of a recently released national study.

La campaña estatal de bienestar en verano promueve hábitos saludables para los estudiantes
La Fundación para un Kentucky Saludable y el Departamento de Educación de Kentucky han lanzado una nueva campaña de servicio público que informa a los estudiantes de Kentucky de los grados K-12 y a sus padres de cinco hábitos que pueden adquirir este verano para prepararse para un año escolar exitoso.

Statewide Summer Wellness Campaign Promotes Healthy Habits for Students
Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky and the Kentucky Department of Education launched a new public service campaign informing Kentucky students in grades K-12 and their parents of five habits they can form this summer to set themselves up for a successful school year.

Delivering the facts: new initiative encourages pregnant women to learn about COVID-19 risks and vaccine benefits
Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky (FHKY) – with major support from the Kentucky Association of Health Plans (KAHP) – is launching a statewide campaign to educate women on the health risks of contracting COVID-19 while pregnant and the benefits of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

Op-Ed: Don’t make a difficult situation even worse; Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky urges Kentucky Senators to vote ‘no’ on HB7
These days Kentuckians are paying more for a lot of things… gas and grocery costs are skyrocketing. Families are carefully budgeting their expenses to make sure their paychecks stretch as far as possible. But even with sacrifices, many Kentuckians will have to make tough decisions between fuel and food… filling up or feeding their kids. Add in an unplanned trip to the doctor’s office and families could end up in crisis.
The Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky urges Kentucky Senators to vote “no” on this HB7.

Foundation opposes bill that would risk thousands of Kentuckians losing health care coverage and food assistance
The Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky believes having access to health care and food, especially healthy food, is vital for the health of Kentuckians. Access to healthy food is an upstream way to combat chronic health problems such as diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure, among others.

Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky recognizes Bill Wagner as Gil Friedell Memorial Health Policy Award Winner for his dedication to expanding health care access
The Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky (FHKY) has named William (Bill) Wagner recipient of its 2021 Gil Friedell Memorial Health Policy Award, for his work expanding access to medical care and health care coverage.

Op-Ed: Lawmakers should ban discredited, ineffective, cruel therapy that increases suicide among youth
t’s a therapy that is discredited, ineffective, and often cruel, that can lead to depression, anxiety, drug use, and even suicide. Yet, this practice – known as conversion or reparative therapy – still exists in the commonwealth today with a goal of changing a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
Now, Kentucky lawmakers have an opportunity to protect our next generation from these degrading practices. Two bills have been introduced – the Youth Mental Health Protection Act, HB 12 by Representative Lisa Willner, and SB 137 by Senator Alice Forgy Kerr. Both bills would bar licensed mental health professionals – including physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers – from engaging in sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts for people under 18-years old.

Foundation names Healthy Kentucky Policy Champions
The Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky has announced a new class of Healthy Kentucky Policy Champions. The awards are given in recognition of individuals and organizations engaged in improving the health of people in their communities and/or the commonwealth through policy change.

Health challenges facing African Americans
February 2022’s Black History Month national theme is Black Health and Wellness. This month, the Foundation will be putting a spotlight on the challenges Black Americans face in their health.

Op-Ed: National study provides snapshot of Kentucky’s health challenges, progress
A review of the recently released 2021 America’s Health Rankings might be a good thought-starter. The rankings, released by United Health Foundation, provide a snapshot of Kentucky’s overall health relative to other states. It does not merely “rank” states against one another; it evaluates each state through a set of health, environmental and socioeconomic categories to help shed light on our health challenges and successes.

High Five for Health: Campaign helps parents and caregivers create a “game plan” for getting their children vaccinated against COVID-19
A new public service campaign speaks directly to the concerns of Kentucky parents about COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 5 – 11 years old. “High Five for Health,” launched by the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky and supported by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Medicaid, addresses concerns voiced by parents in focus groups, offers answers to frequently asked questions, and provides five steps for parents to consider when getting their child vaccinated.

Foundation awards mini grants to 12 organizations to support increasing COVID-19 vaccine uptake
Twelve Kentucky organizations, working on the ground in counties with low COVID-19 vaccine rates, were selected as recipients of the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky’s Keeping our Communities Healthy mini grants. The grants – totaling $20,000 – are intended for rapid deployment for organizations to create new or expand on existing COVID-19 vaccination efforts.

Fresh Perspectives: Updated “Take It From Me” campaign urges COVID-19 vaccinations
The "Take It From Me" public service announcement campaign debuted 18 new videos urging Kentuckians to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Chandler: “Vaccine hesitancy a public health crisis”
At the kick-off of the annual Howard L. Bost Memorial Health Policy Forum, presented by Aetna Better Health of Kentucky, Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky President and CEO Ben Chandler called declining public trust in vaccines a burgeoning crisis.

Poll shows COVID-19 vaccine efforts bearing fruit
A new Vaccines in Kentucky Poll, commissioned by the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, shows efforts to encourage COVID-19 vaccines have persuaded two-thirds of those who said earlier this year they were open to changing their minds. The poll, conducted August 4 to September 4, showed overall lower hesitancy by about one-third, compared to a similar poll conducted six months ago.

Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky offers $20,000 in mini grants to support increasing COVID-19 vaccine uptake in Kentucky counties with low vaccination rates
The Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky is offering $20,000 in Keeping our Communities Healthy mini grants to encourage Kentuckians to get the COVID-19 vaccine. The grants are intended for rapid deployment for organizations to create new or expand on existing COVID-19 vaccination efforts.

Mitos sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19: respuestas De Fuentes confiables a sus mayores preocupaciones
¿Tiene preguntas e inquietudes acerca de las vacunas contra el COVID-19? Hemos reunido lo más reciente de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC por sus siglas en inglés) y otras fuentes confiables para abordar directamente las preocupaciones comunes.

U.S. HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra keynote speaker at Bost Health Policy Forum
U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra will be the keynote speaker during the Howard L. Bost Memorial Health Policy Forum on September 21. Secretary Becerra will discuss the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to increase vaccination rates and combat the COVID-19 pandemic.